GJS Faculty Research

Our faculty are very active in scholarship. They have published in the top journals of each of the disciplines housed in the Department, including Political Science, Criminal Justice, and Public Administration. Several members of the faculty have also authored books (click on covers for more information).

Faculty Books

Understanding Victimology: An Active Learning Approach book cover

Understanding Victimology: An Active Learning Approach

The Politics of Innocence: How Wrongful Convictions Shape Public Opinion

The Politics of Innocence: How Wrongful Convictions Shape Public Opinion

The Death Penalty in North Carolina, 2021: A Summary of the Data and Scientific Studies

Controversial Issues in Criminal Justice: An Active Learning Approach

Controversial Issues in Criminal Justice: An Active Learning Approach

A guide to graduate school success for criminal justice, public safety and administration of justice students

A guide to graduate school success for criminal justice, public safety and administration of justice students

Jordan and the Arab Uprisings: Regime Survival and Politics Beyond the State

Materialism and Social Inquiry in the Continental Tradition in Philosophy

Female Offenders and Reentry: Pathways and Barriers to Returning to Society

Female Offenders and Reentry: Pathways and Barriers to Returning to Society

Intimate Partner Violence: Effective Procedure, Response and Policy book cover

Intimate Partner Violence: Effective Procedure, Response and Policy

Trendy Fascism: White Power Music and the Future of Democracy book cover

Trendy Fascism: White Power Music and the Future of Democracy

The Devil You Know: The Surprising Link between Conservative Christianity and Crime book cover

The Devil You Know: The Surprising Link between Conservative Christianity and Crime

Social Justice, Criminal Justice: The Role of American Law in Effecting and Preventing Social Change book cover

Social Justice, Criminal Justice: The Role of American Law in Effecting and Preventing Social Change

Race, Ethnicity, Crime, and Justice book cover

Race, Ethnicity, Crime, and Justice

Criminal Justice The Essentials book cover

Criminal Justice The Essentials

Criminal Injustice: How Politics and Ideology Distort American Ideals book cover

Criminal Injustice: How Politics and Ideology Distort American Ideals

Studying Politics Today: Critical Approaches to Political Science book cover

Studying Politics Today: Critical Approaches to Political Science

Doing Democracy: Activist Art and Cultural Politics book cover

Doing Democracy: Activist Art and Cultural Politics

Medieval America: Cultural Influences of Christianity in the Law and Public Policy

Media Coverage of Crime and Criminal Justice

Media Coverage of Crime and Criminal Justice

Dogmas and Dreams: A Reader of Modern Political Ideologies, 4th Edition

Dogmas and Dreams: A Reader of Modern Political Ideologies, 4th Edition

Why Crime?: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Explaining Criminal Behavior book cover

Why Crime?: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Explaining Criminal Behavior

Democracy and Domination: Technologies of Integration and the Rise of Collective Power

Inter-Arab Alliances book cover

Inter-Arab Alliances

Greed is Good: Maximization and Elite Deviance in America

Greed is Good: Maximization and Elite Deviance in America

Crime Mapping and Spatial Aspects of Crime book cover

Crime Mapping and Spatial Aspects of Crime

Justice Blind? book cover

Justice Blind?

Poststructuralism and the Politics of Method

Death Nation

Death Nation

Lies, Damned Lies, & Drug War Statistics book cover

Lies, Damned Lies, & Drug War Statistics

Musical Democracy book cover

Musical Democracy

Understanding Dogmas and Dreams

Romance and Reason book cover

Romance and Reason

Knowledge and Social Construction book cover

Knowledge and Social Construction

Women in Prison book cover

Women in Prison

Jordan in Transition book cover

Jordan in Transition

Ambivalent Anti-Colonialism: The United States and the Genesis of West Indian Independence

Marx, Nietzsche, and Modernity

Faculty Articles

Political Science

Ardoin, Phillip J. 2013. “Why Don’t You Tweet?: The Congressional Black Caucus.” Race, Gender, and Class Journal 20. (Spring): 130-140

Ardoin, Phillip J., C.S. Bell., and M.M. Ragozzino. 2015. “The Partisan Battle Over College Student Voting: An Analysis of Student Voting Behavior in Federal, State and Local Elections.” Social Science Quarterly (May).

Fraser, Cary. 2013. “Decolonization and the Cold War.” in The Oxford Handbook of the Cold War. 469-485.

Hicks, William D, Kevin J. Mullinix, and Robert J. Norris. 2021 “The Politics of Wrongful Conviction Legislation.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 21(2): 306-325.

Hicks, William D., Seth C. McKee, and Daniel A. Smith. 2021. “Contemporary Views of Liberal Democracy and the 2016 Presidential Election.” PS: Political Science & Politics 54(1): 33-40.

Donovan, Kathleen M., Paul Kellstedt, Ellen M. Key, and Matthew J. Lebo. 2020. “Motivated Reasoning, Public Opinion, and Presidential Approval.” Political Behavior 42(4): 1201-1221.

Ondercin, Heather L. and Ellen M. Key. 2020. “Women’s Political Involvement in the 100 Years since the 19th Amendment.” PS: Political Science and Politics 53(3):465-469.

Koch, Andrew and Amanda Gail Zeddy. 2010. “The Rise and Fall of the “Private” as Part of the Western Political Socialization.” Politics, Culture, and Socialization 1:2 (February): 142-157.

Koch, Andrew. 1993. “Poststructuralism and Epistemological Basis of Anarchism” The Philosophy of the Social Sciences 23:3 (September) 329-353.

Love, Nancy S. 2018. “From Settler Colonialism to Standing Rock:  Hearing Native Voices for Peace,” College Music Symposium:  Exploring Diverse Perspectives.  https://symposium.music.org/index.php/current-issue/item/11412-from-settler-colonialism-to-standing-rock-hearing-native-voices-for-peace.

Love, Nancy S. (2013) “Ani DiFranco: Making Feminist Waves.” in Political Rock: Popular Musicians Who Changed the World, ed. Mark Pedelty., Kristine Weglarz. NY: Ashgate Publishers, 159-176.

Newmark, Adam J. and Anthony J. Nownes. 2017. “It's All Relative: Perceptions of Interest Group Influence,” Interest Groups & Advocacy. Volume 6: 66-90.

Newmark, Adam J. and Anthony J. Nownes. 2016/2017. “Interest Groups in the States,” In Politics in the American States. 11th edition. Eds. Virginia Gray, Russell L. Hanson, and Thad Kousser. Washington, D.C.: CQ Press. Forthcoming.

Ondercin, Heather L. 2020. “Marching to the Ballot Box: Sex and Voting in the 2020 Election CycleThe Forum.

Ondercin, Heather L. and Mary-Kate Lizotte. 2020. “You’ve Lost that Loving Feeling: How Gender Shapes Affective PolarizationAmerican Politics Research.

Ruseva, T., M. Foster, G. Arnold, S. Siddiki, A. York, R. Pudney, and Z. Chen. 2019. Applying policy process theories to environmental governance research: Themes and new directions. Policy Studies Journal, 47(1), S66-S95.

Ruseva, T., Hedrick, J., Marland, G, Tovar, H, Sabou, C. and Bescombes E. 2020. Rethinking standards of permanence for terrestrial and coastal carbon: Implications for governance and sustainability. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 45:69–77.

Ryan, Curtis R. 2015. “Oasis or Mirage? Jordan’s Unlikely Stability in a Changing Middle East.”  World Politics Review, January 15, 2015.      

Ryan, Curtis R. 2016. “Shifting Alliances in the Middle East.” In Great Decisions 2016 (New York: Foreign Policy Association, 2016), pp. 5-12.

Scherlen,  Renee G. and José Antonio Cisneros Tirado (2021) “Exaggerated Panic or Valid Concerns? Youth Drug Use After Marijuana Legalization”, Stoneover, Nikolay Anguelov and Jeff Moyer, eds., Lexington Books

Cisneros Tirado, José Antonio, Renee Scherlen, and Melva Guadalupe Navarro Sequeira (2018) "Addressing the Elephant in the Room: The Rise of President Mike Pence?”, con el título en español: ¿Qué hacer con el elefante en la habitación? ¿El ascenso del presidente Mike Pence? Foro Internacional Vol. LVIII, 3 (233) julio - septiembre, 2018

Public Administration

Bradbury, Mark D., and Marian R. Williams. 2013. “Diversity and Citizen Participation: The Effect of Race on Juror Decision-Making.” Administration & Society 45:5

Bradbury, Mark D., R. Paul Battaglio., and John Crum. 2010. “Continuity Amid Discontinuity? George W. Bush, Federal Employment Discrimination, and “Big Government’ Conservatism”.” Review of Public Personnel  Administration 30:4

Bulla, B., Craig, E., & Steelman, T. (2017). Climate Change and adaptive decision making: responses from North Carolina coastal officials. Ocean and Coastal Management, Vol.135, 25-33.

Bulla, B. and Steelman, T. (2016). Farming through Change: Using Photovoice to Explore Climate Change on Small Family Farms. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 40(9).

Hur, Yongbeom., and Ruth Ann Strickland. 2015. "Diversity Management Practices, Do They Make a Difference? Examining Impacts of Their Adoption in Local Governments" Public Administration Quarterly 39(2): 325-357.

Hur, Yongbeom. 2013. "Racial Diversity, Is It a Blessing to an Organization? Examining the Effects of Workforce Diversity in Municipal Police Departments" International Review of Administrative Sciences 79(1): 149-164.

Mitchell, Patricia, and Charles Abernathy. 2015. “The Role of the City/County Manager in Economic Development.” Public Sector Digest. Spring, 67-70.

Mitchell, Patricia, and Charles Abernathy. 2013. “Confidentiality and Complexity: Unlocking the subplots of economic development.” PM Public Management. 95, 10: 6-11.

Rickabaugh, J. 2021. “Regional Public Sector Organizations: A broader taxonomic classification to cross-pollinate empirical research.” Public Administration, 1– 13.

Rickabaugh, J. 2021. “Regionalism With and Without Metropolitanism: Governance Structures of Rural and Non-Rural Regional Intergovernmental Organizations.The American Review of Public Administration. 51, 2:155-164.  


Criminal Justice

Hicks, W., Holcomb, J. E., & Alexander, M.A., & Clodfelter, T. A. (2020).  Drug test outcomes and offender supervision. Criminal Justice and Behavior.   https://doi.org/10.1177/0093854819898219

Holcomb, J.E., Hicks, W.D., Williams, M.R., Kovandzic, T.K., & Mietl, M.B. (2018). Civil asset forfeiture laws and equitable sharing activity by the police. Criminology and Public Policy, 17(1), 101-127.

Lucas, P. A. (2018). An exploratory study of veterans treatment court peer mentors: Roles, experiences, and expectations. Drug Court Review, 59-85.     

Lucas, P. A., Carter, B., & Sanner, C. (2020). Federal law, state law, and city enforcement issues: Immigration, sanctuary cities, and drug legalization. In Mackey, D. & Elvey. K (Eds.). Society, ethics, and the law: A reader. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Higgins, G.E., Marcum, C.D., Nicholson, J., & Weiner, P. (2018).  An Examination of Victimization Predictors of Youth Physical and Sexual Dating Violence ExperiencesCrime & Delinquency, 64(5), 625-649

Marcum, C.D. & Higgins, G.E. (2021). A systematic review of cyberstalking victimization and offending behaviors. American Journal of Criminal Justice.

Marier, C.J. and Fridell, L.A. (2020). Demonstrations, demoralization, and de-policing. Criminology and Public Policy.

Marier, C.J. and Moule, R. (2019). Feeling blue: Officer perceptions of public antipathy predict police occupational norms. American Journal of Criminal Justice.

Worden, A. P.,Morgan, K. A., Shteynberg, R. V., and Davies, A. L. B. (2017) What difference does a lawyer make? Impacts of early counsel on misdemeanor bail decisions and outcomes in rural and small town courts. Criminal Justice Policy Review.

Morgan, K. A. (2019). Judicial waiver and adultification of youth. In B. Crank and C. Marcum (Eds.). Controversial issues in criminal justice: An active learning approach. CognellaPublishing.

Robinson, Matthew.B. (2017). Media coverage of capital punishment. Handbook on Capital Punishment. (Edited by Robert Bohm & Gavin Lee). New York: ROUTLEDGE.

Robinson, Matthew B. (2015). How Race and Ethnicity Impact the Criminal Law. In Race, Ethnicity, Crime, and Justice (Edited by Matthew Robinson). Durham, NC: CAROLINA ACADEMIC PRESS.

Williams, M., Holcomb, J., Kovandzic, T., and Bullock, S. 2010.  Policing for profit:  The abuse of civil asset forfeiture. Washington, DC:  Institute for Justice.

Williams, M. (2016).  From bail to jail:  The effect of jail capacity on bail decisionsAmerican Journal of Criminal Justice, 41, 484-497.

Zaitzow, B.H. & Willis, A.K. (2021). Behind the Wall of Indifference: Prisoner Voices about the Realities of Prison Health Care. Laws 10: 11.  Available at: https://doi.org/10.3390/laws10010011

Zaitzow, B.H. (Fall 2010). Psychotropic Control of Women Prisoners: The Perpetuation of Abuse of  Imprisoned Women. Justice Policy Journal (Vol. 7, No. 2). Available at: http://www.cjcj.org/uploads/cjcj/documents/Psychotropic_Control.pdf