Vincent Perez-Huet - Global Initiative Against Transnational Crime Geneva

mvimg_20190705_160249_1.jpgSenior criminal justice major Vincent Perez-Huet spent the summer in Geneva, Switzerland, completing an internship with the Global Initiative Against Transnational Crime, which is known for its groundbreaking publications on crime networks present around the world.  The primary focuses of the organization are to project expertise, develop evidence for good policy making, create a platform for dialogue, and develop tools to allow for effective responses.  During his internship, Vincent participated in a literature review on eight organized crime groups, actor mapping the South African heroin trade, and summarizing articles that were to be included in the Atlantic Council report.  Vincent said, “The internship allowed me to experience different types of work in the criminal justice field with people from all over the world.  It was amazing to be part of the research and policy-creating process, even if it was only a small role.  The work skills learned were more than I expected and the confidence I gained was immeasurable.  Applying ideas, lessons, and theories from courses allowed for deeper comprehension.  I will now be able to bring much more to the table in my future endeavors.”