Alexis Marsh-Fennell - Criminal Justice Alternatives

Alexis Marsh-FennellDuring spring semester, Alexis Marsh-Fennell interned with Criminal Justice Alternatives, a nonprofit in Raleigh with a mission to provide pretrial release services and juvenile diversion options for the Wake County Court System. Alexis was able to observe many aspects of agency operations, such as funding meetings, partner meetings, committee meetings, funding audits, as well as being fully involved in the teen court night preparation and facilitation. She also took on her own caseload of a few clients Alexis shared this about her experience: "I thoroughly enjoyed my time interning with the Capital Area
Teen Court program with Criminal Justice Alternatives in Wake County. I was able to draw connections between my criminal justice courses while also making meaningful relationships with youth clients and families. The lessons I learned here, both personal and professional, will help me as I continue on to future endeavors."