Maggie Sowisdral

Maggie Sowisdral

Maggie Sowisdral graduated in May 2017 with a degree in Political Science.  She currently lives in Montana and has been serving with AmeriCorps since September 2017. Maggie works with the Attorney General’s office of Consumer Protection and Victim Services and serves as a Compliance Specialist and Investigator. This position is responsible for a variety of professional investigative, compliance and administrative work related to the consumer protection laws. This position ensures compliance with state and federal laws by auditing and investigating business establishments and other agencies. Maggie also serve as a member of the Domestic Violence Fatality Review semi-annually. Here are two links showing the work that the Domestic Violence Fatality Review does

The 2017 Report:

Vimeo Clip:

She recalls, "The most memorable experience I had at Appalachian State would definitely be the Honors Fourth Amendment course with Dr. Williams. Besides the fact that it was a fun class with a phenomenal professor, analyzing Supreme Court Opinions and cases concerning various Fourth Amendment issues gave me a greater practical understanding of my Constitutional rights as an American citizen."

Maggie's career goals include: attending law school and eventually working as a Special Victims Prosecutor or a Domestic Violence Attorney.