Katie Jackson-Guildford County Public Defender’s Office

Katie JacksonA senior in the CJ program, Katie Jackson completed her internship with the Guilford County Public Defender’s Office in High Point. Katie thoroughly enjoyed her semester with the agency and had this to say about it: “Completing this internship was a privilege and an amazing way to finish up my educational experience at Appalachian State University. Every day in the office offered new opportunities and challenges that taught me so much about what it means to work in the criminal justice system. Being able to work closely with attorneys and observe what they do on a daily basis was a huge advantage and a great way to become familiar with the field. Once I got to know the office and the courthouse, I was given responsibilities that would assist attorneys with their cases. During the internship I was able to assist with preparing for trials, client interviews, bond motions, and helping clients accept or turn down plea deals, among many other things. When I first started the internship, I was thinking about continuing on to law school after graduation; working at the public defender’s office has proven to me that my passion for the law exists both in the classroom and in the workforce. I am excited to use all that I have learned from this experience and apply it to my future in the criminal justice system.”