Harper Lanier--Cato Institute

A student in the Political Science program, Harper Lanier completed her internship with the Cato Institute. Harper had this to say about her internship experience:  

"During this summer, I had the opportunity to intern at the Cato Institute. Cato is a libertarian think tank located in Washington D.C. that emphasizes and values individual liberty, free markets, limited government, and peace. Cato’s admiration and interest in the preservation of individual liberties and free markets led me to apply for a policy research position. While at Cato, I was a research intern for the Tax and Budget Policy Department and also conducted research for the Center for Constitutional Studies. For me, the most enjoyable part of my internship was examining and analyzing tax competition between different states and European countries. I also enjoyed analyzing the proposed 2018 fiscal year federal budget.

My past Political Science studies helped to better inform my research this summer by providing me with a more comprehensive understanding of congressional relationships and the formulation and implementation of policies. My studies also equipped me with a greater ability to analyze legislation. Cato provided its interns with a variety of unique benefits, including daily lectures from its policy specialists and scholars. Through these lectures, I deepened my knowledge on a variety of issues, including health care, property rights, constitutional interpretations and rights, international relations and security, and economic theories. My experience at the Cato Institute allowed me to further my understanding of libertarian principles and allowed me to enhance my analytical skills."

Harper Lanier in DC