The department of Government and Justice Studies is proud to announce the publication of Dr. E. Ike Udogu and Sambuddha Ghatak's edited work: Human Rights Dilemmas in the Developing World: The Case of Marginalized Populations at Risk. Sambuddha is a former Government and Justice Studies grad student who joined the faculty of San Diego State University this Fall as an Assistant Professor. Dr. Udogu was Sam's thesis advisor and has continued to mentor Sam through his PhD work at UT Knoxville. This book brings the quandaries that many minority groups confront in Latin America, Asia and Africa into the limelight. The chapters in this volume—written by experts on this subject-matter—examine and provide invaluable solutions to the human rights infractions in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Burundi, Central African Republic, Congo Brazzaville, Angola, Cameroon, Gabon, Nigeria and South Africa.