Washington at Work: Washington and the World
PS 3530/5530: Washington at Work: Washington and the World (Summer Session 1)
Contacts: Dr. Scherlen (scherlenrg@appstate.edu) or Dr. Curtis Ryan (ryanc@appstate.edu)
Application Form:
Application Deadline: February 10, 2020
In-Class Dates: May 11-15, 2020 (Boone)
Travel Dates : May 17- 23, 220 (Washington, DC)
Course Summary: Combining academic analysis with a hands-on exploration of Washington, DC, this 3 credit course focuses on the role of international actors in D.C. as well as the international role that various US political and academic actors play in the world. We will meet with a variety of foreign embassies, US officials, and organizations that focus on international relations. Potential meetings include the Jordanian Embassy, the Kuwaiti Embassy, the Cuban Embassy, the Mexican Embassy, the Turkish Cultural Center, the Middle East Institute, the Project on Middle East Democracy the Wilson Center, the Peace Institute, the Organization of American States, the World Bank, the IMF, and the US Department of State.
Estimated Cost:$660+ summer tuition